Operation Letterhead

  • I was twenty years old when I told my mother and family that I was HIV+.  I’m not sure what I was thinking, but I hoped that they would hug me and tell me everything would be all right.  I was wrong. (more…)

  • 12 Jun (OMSJ)OMSJ’s involvement in more than 100 criminal, civil and military cases has revealed that many patients are misdiagnosed as HIV+ by clinicians who accept kickbacks from drug companies like Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) and Gilead Sciences for unnecessarily prescribing toxic HIV drugs to uninfected patients.  These doctors rely on test results from labs (more…)

    After successfully representing clients including Terry Hedgepeth, Washington DC Attorney Jonathan Dailey now represents Bobby Russell who, after receiving HIV drugs and treatment for almost eight years, learned that his doctors had diagnosed him with HIV.  Now, (more…)


    GM Salmon Rejected by Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Aldi and Other Retailers


