Yale University

  • 03 Jan  (AHRP) –  “Unfortunately, the entire evidence base has been perverted,” said Joseph Ross, a professor at Yale Medical School who has studied the issue.   Commercially corrupted medicine is the leading cause of death in the US—and it is bankrupting the US budget.  The Washington Post is addressing both issues in a powerful hard hitting investigative series by Peter Whoriskey titled: Can Medical Research Be Trusted? (more…)

  • 6 Apr|IMA – Dr Jacob Puliyel was invited to the National Conference of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) to deliver a talk on the Ethical Use of Newer Vaccines. (more…)

  • 14 Oct – William Connolley, arguably the world’s most influential global warming advocate after Al Gore, has lost his bully pulpit. Connolley did not wield his influence by the quality of his research or the force of his argument but through his administrative position at Wikipedia, the most popular reference source on the planet. (more…)

    29 Jun (NY TIMES) – PETER DOSHI walked across the campus of Johns Hopkins University in a rumpled polo shirt and stonewashed jeans, a backpack slung over one shoulder.  An unremarkable presence on a campus filled with backpack-toters, he is 32, and not sure where (more…)


    GM Salmon Rejected by Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Aldi and Other Retailers


