Malaria Vaccine Success? Not If You Look at Adverse Effects!

June 18, 2013

15 Jun (GAIA HEALTH) – Before accepting claims of a vaccine’s efficacy, it’s wise to look at the study and who financed it. A new study for a malaria vaccine is a case in point. It was financed by the manufacturer and the lead researcher is a co-patent holder!It should come as no suprise that there are gaping flaws in the study, as discussed here.   by Heidi Stevenson

A new study claims a never-before seen efficacy rate of 72% for a new malaria vaccine. The researchers have drawn the attention of the Bill Gates Foundation, which may give them $100 million in funding to try to bring it to market. But have they really achieved such a result?

At first glance, it seems likely that this study is valid. They did something rather unusual in today’s vaccine-hyped world: They used a real placebo, a saline solution, in their control group. That, though, is not the only thing that must be assured. Before discussing problems with this study, let’s first take a look at an outline of how it was done along with its results.

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