Terry Michael

  • End to AIDS Nearer Than We Think?

    What begins as a guess–or, perhaps, not infrequently, as a downrightand deliberate lie–ends as a fact and is embalmed in the history books.”– H.L. Mencken (more…)

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  • Nobel Curse for AIDS, Big Pharma

    7 Dec 2009 – by Terry Michael: Nobel Prize winner’s views on HIV/AIDS could be an inconvenient truth for Big Pharma.  Who knows what those inscrutable Scandinavians had in mind awarding a Nobel to President Barack Obama, who is about to pick up his Peace Prize in Oslo just a week after (more…)

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    Fauci Targets Blacks for Experiments

    March 18th, 2010

    A pharmaceutical experiment on hundreds of mostly black homosexual men and heterosexual women in Washington is about to be undertaken by U.S. AIDS czar Dr. Anthony S. Fauci with the enthusiastic backing of the District’s black mayor, Adrian M. Fenty, voiced in a January announcement. The experiment radically (more…)

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    OMSJ Demands Editors to Depublish Gallo's Reports


