Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer

August 2, 2013

2 Aug (GEOENGINEERING WATCH) – So, How Bad Can It Get? Just when it seemed the negative news surrounding global geoengineering could not get any worse, it absolutely can and is.

by Dane Wigington

sun-300x187We have known for some time that the UV levels were getting rapidly worse due to the ongoing atmospheric spraying. Anyone that is even slightly awake and aware has noticed that the sun feels incredibly intense on the skin. Most varieties of plant life are showing at least some signs of stress in most areas. In many regions, whole forests are in steep decline. And its getting worse by the day.

Although extreme drought and toxic rains (due in large part to the heavy metal fallout from geoengineering) are taking their toll, recent metering of UV levels in Northern California indicate that there is an element in this die off that is far worse than we had realized, an incomprehensibly high level of UV radiation.

With the assistance of a very generous and conscientious individual, purchased top-of-the-line UV metering equipment which was put in the hands of a 40-year environmental metering veteran, with 20 years government experience and 20 years as a private consultant. Our findings are far beyond shocking.

From a recent science study on excessive UV:

We are told UV-B is only a minor component of the total solar radiation, we now know this could not be further from the truth. Our recent metering reflects an exponential rise in UVB radiation. Due to its high energy, its potential for causing biological damage to plants, animals, and humans is exceptionally high and even small increases could lead to significant biological damage. There are numerous peer reviewed studies which verify this fact.

summer cycles
This is ‘officially’ what we are told about UV

The Results

According to agencies like WHO, (World Heath Organizatin) and a long list of other recognized government sources of UV information like NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), no more than 5% of the total UV reaching the surface of Earth should be UVB. The other 95% should be UVA.

These agencies go on to state that UVC should be ZERO.

What has our testing shown?

UVB – the most lethal form of UV radiation – has now escalated to almost 70% of the total UV reaching the surface of our planet. At least this is the case in Northern California. (This can only mean that total Ultra-Violate  exposure has also escalated sharply, making overall UVB levels worse still.)

In addition, our testing has consistently shown significant levels of UVC which used to be filtered out by the ozone layer, some 100,000 feet up in our atmosphere.

Not any more.

UV is measured in spectral bandwidths. The higher the bandwidth, the more benign the UV; lower bandwidths are more lethal.

uv rays

Current testing reveals that almost 70% of incoming UV radiation is currently in the UVB and UVC range. (Not 5% or less, as we are being told by all major agencies and their media mouthpieces).

This translates into nearly a 1,400% increase in UVB as a percentage of total UV. If UVA has also gone up due to the same ozone destruction which has driven up the UVB, this would indicate a likelihood that the total UVB and UVC is higher still – not just a difference of ratio with the same overall number.

What are the known negative effects of excessive UV exposure to plant life?

 The Proof On The Ground

In the forests of Northern California, bark is literally being scorched from trees. On many specimens, only a thin strip of bark remains on the shaded side of the tree. Foliage is being scorched with many trees having only a fraction of their normal leaf cover. Many native species of plants are not even sprouting any more. The organisms that do still manage to grow appear miniaturized in some cases.

What are just some of the results of excessive UV exposure to plants?

  • Can stop sprouting of seeds,
  • Stunts growth,
  • Limb die off,
  • Reduced foliage,
  • DNA damage,
  • Changes nutrient distribution,
  • Mutatins,
  • Effects photosynthesis
  • Greatly increased mortality

SOME known effects of excessive UV exposure to aquatic life:

All aquatic life is particularly vulnerable to high UV levels.

Phytoplankton accounts for some 30% of the worlds intake of animal protein. Phytoplankton and the microorganisms they consume are killed by excessive UV levels. (Global plankton populations have already been reduced by 40% to 50%. Much of the die off is likely due to increased UV radiation.)

Less plankton = less carbon-dioxide absorption.

Less plankton = less oxygen production. (Atmospheric oxygen content around the globe declining rapidly)

Less plankton = less fish. Period.

Bottom line: A crashing plankton population effects the entire food chain and all life on earth.

Excess UV kills coral reefs. So do waters warmed and made acidic by CO2 fallout. (Reefs are the nurseries of many crucial aquatic species and are in sharp decline around the globe.)

SOME of the known effects of excess UV on humans:

  • Damaged immune system,
  • DNA damage
  • Damages sight
  • Causes various forms of cancer

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